Sunday 18 August 2013

Why destroying company hard drives is the best option

By Monica Daniels

Computers used in the office contain a lot of sensitive data and information, and it would be detrimental if such data and information is exposed or accessed by third parties. Such data and information stored may be about your clients and staff, yet the ICO regulations require that this data and information is kept confidential at all costs, failure to comply may result in fines.

Company staff may also have used mobile phones and stored sensitive data and information. It is necessary to ask the staff to leave the mobile phones behind if they will not be in the office. In addition, such handsets need to be replaced where an upgrade is being done.

Companies, whether large or small, must therefore reach a decision about what to do with the hard drives and mobile phones containing sensitive data and information. Two options can be taken, the first being to delete data from the hard drives and mobile phones and reuse them and the second, destroying the hard drive and mobile phones.

Many think that the best option available is to wipe the data and information contained, because then the hard drive and mobile phone can be used again.

So what will they do if they decide to wipe out the sensitive data? It is possible to run software that can destroy the data contained in the hard disk and mobile phones and this software can be bought. Thus, the hard drive and mobile phone can still be used by the company after wiping the data and information.

What is the disadvantage of wiping data? Unfortunately, the information is not completely destroyed as long as the hard drive and mobile phone can be accessed. Professional frauds take advantage of this because they can still run reformatting programmes. This means your data is still at risk of being seen by a third party even after wiping.

This is the reason the second option is preferred by some companies and businesses: completely destroying the hard drive. The hard drive can no longer be accessed, and neither can the data and information contained in it. This means you are completely and 100% secure.

Destroying hard drives, however, posses another problem to companies and businesses that have decided to do it. It is considered difficult because the tough hardware must be physically handled to destroy it and sometimes you may not destroy it properly, meaning that the data would still be accessible if the remains are found. This is why consulting a professional service to destroy the hard disk is very helpful.

It is possible to find professional services in hard drive destruction within your location. They will destroy your hard drive to make it never accessible again by anyone. This leaves you with peace of mind that the sensitive data and information in them cannot be used maliciously against the company, clients or staff.

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