Tuesday 1 October 2013

IT Support Arrives In To Help

By Jessica Long

When working in an office or professional business environment, the IT support is easy to see and easy to find. There is typically a department of individuals that not only support the individual computers used by the staff, but they also maintain and support the computers systems and networks throughout the building or the company that they work for.

Smaller businesses sometimes try to get away with not using a dedicated IT support team. They sometimes think that because they are small or only operate a few systems or just one server, that they can get away with just utilizing the knowledge of one or two employees to maintain the systems. This might work at the beginning but not for the long term.

When the systems start to have problems or start to fail they will run into trouble. This would be especially true if the company needs the systems to continue running while repairs are being made. With an inexperienced crew there is no way that they can manage to work something that complicated out. That being the case, you could end up with a system wide crash.

Because it is usually very difficult for such individuals to gain employment in firms that normally hire people who have attained a college degree in the field, they end up working for themselves and trying to prove every minute of every day that they know just as much about computers as the people who went to school. The experience they gained in the real world cannot be taught from a book or in the classroom.

In some cases those people who did not attend college for their technical knowledge end up knowing more about the technology because their learning was not put into a frame set or they were not forced to take a specific route through the experience they gained. So they were able to learn other things that the college trained people could not.

In such cases those who did not attend college are actually the people who are the better hire. Unfortunately the people doing the hiring do not see it this way and continue to stick with hiring those straight out of college even though they have no experience. It is a sad circumstance for those without the college degree. Their experience should equal the others knowledge, but they do not agree.

Now the people who need the support with their systems are actually partially victims here too. Their systems might get repairs or maintained but there is a debatable portion of the repairs that could have been done more efficiently by the latter group. Those who did not attend college. Then again, the company does not care because in the end the systems are maintained.

The proper IT support as demonstrated above can not only keep a system and a company running but it can also save it. Should system wide crashes happen there is nobody else more prepared and ready to handle such a thing than the IT department. Without them you might as well be doing everything with a pencil and a notepad. The computer system has revolutionized business and if you do not keep it running there is a good chance you will no longer have a business.

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