Saturday 16 May 2015

Things To Keep In Mind When Working On A Prezi Presentation Design

By Tammie Caldwell

Whether you are a student or a worker, giving presentations or report is a common assignment that is assigned to you every now and then. Aside from the topic that you are tasked to prepare, you will also have to think about the method by how you can present it. What will be the materials that you will use.

Regardless of the topic that you have, it is very important that you know well enough just how to deliver it in front of the recipients. Otherwise, what you want them to do may not be finished. Prezi presentation design is one way that can help you add a creative touch on the thing that you are making.

There is no hassle when it comes to accessing this tool. You just have to make an account online, completely free of charge. From there, you can already enjoy making samples using the free layouts. You have the option to go premium and enjoy a wider design option. But for a start, practicing with the free one is suggested. Once you start creating some samples, be sure to keep in mind the following.

Topic. One of the reasons why there are a variety of designs is to cater the different needs of presentors. Not all available layout is applicable to the topic that you have. To make the design more relevant, you will have to choose something that is fit for the message that you have.

Additional materials for the report. The typical content of different reports will be text. But if the point is to capture the attention of the listeners, then it will be good to add some color and life to the work. You can have images, animations, graphs and even videos. These can all be inserted on prezi so you do not need to create a separate page for it.

Explore all the available functions. To practice, you use the free version online by creating an account using your email address. From there, the most basic functions of prezi will be available for you. There might be additional advanced ones for the premium. But as a start, it will be best if you are aware of the most important functions that you will be using.

Check online tutorials. There are some available tutorial in the prezi website. However, if you are not satisfied with what is presented on you, then you can always go to other free video sites and search for some instructional materials.

Feedback from friends. You may be satisfied with what you do. Still, it is better if you can find someone who can review and validate your work. You can have a trusted colleague do this for you. Or, you can ask a member of your family to comment. Their opinion may give you an idea on how to improve the final output even more.

There is no need to pay for anything. You just have to know where to look. Know all the options that you have and take time to apply them on the project that you are dealing with.

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