Saturday 18 July 2015

Looking For The Best Excel Programmer San Francisco

By Jana Serrano

It is software that is published by Microsoft under the Microsoft office suite. It is used to manage spreadsheets which are used in most companies in the accounting and finance departments. They help to perform mathematical operations that could have otherwise taken a very long time to achieve. You need an excel programmer San Francisco if you want some of this operations to be automated for you.

When you are hiring a programmer for excel, before you even start discussing about the interview or anything. You must make sure that they have the knowledge of it. You should come up with basic problems that are based on simple mathematical expressions then tell them to solve those problems. By doing this you will see if this person knows how different cells are referenced and they usually have the knowledge of the basic mathematical capabilities.

The other thing that you should be keen to check is their portfolio. This is basically a record of all the works they normally have done in excel. These documents help you know the kind of experience they usually have at a field. You can come to know what areas they prefer working on based on the projects that they have listed on their portfolios. It also tells you how passionate they are about programming.

Another thing you must make sure you check in the person you are looking to employ is they problem solving skills. You can do this by asking them to provide links of on-line forums where they have been talking about excel programming. By looking at the questions they have asked or answered you can tell if they are good at solving problems.

Another thing one should make sure that you check is their ability to interact with other people. If they are able to do this, they are of great help to not only you but also the rest of your staff who can interact with them and they can help each other. You can check this by simply engaging them in a conversation and see how they respond.

At this point one can conduct the test to see if they have the excel skills. The best way to measure their skills is by giving them a project to work on and a deadline. You can give them a week of two days depending on the scope of the project and one can tell them to work from your office. This allows you to measure their level of competence and their ability to beat deadlines.

Having passed all those tests. The employee who has made it to this level can work for you and deliver results. There is however one last skill you should check. This is their ability to be team players.

If a candidate has passed all those tests then they are going to make a good employee. It will be productive to have them in your space. They might even become better than their predecessors.

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