Sunday 10 June 2018

The Shopify Promotion App Helps With Monitoring Discount Codes

By Henry Snyder

There are many ecommerce sites that make setting up on an online store easy. Many people are using these as a way to make income while they navigate their way around becoming a full or part time entrepreneur. The type of sites vary as some are free to use but others may charge by the month or year. Depending on the maker, either plan may work but one thing that is important for the serious seller is a marketing funnel. This is why some prefer to use the Shopify promotion app to reach a wider audience.

These types of sites are popular with those who sell tangible items or downloadable products but makers with a solid marketing plan are the ones who eventually find success. A lot of crafters and artisans have great ideas but without knowing how to use social media or gather lists, their efforts are mostly for show. Some people think this is hard but, it can be relatively easy if they are familiar with digital marketing concepts.

Some new sellers may be tempted to run sales at random, or as a way to rid inventory of slow selling items but planning pays off. A lot the built in marketing features, such as those found on Shopify, use social media to gain more sales. This is why it helps to plan a strategy the first time out of the gate.

The images, copy, and placement matter when it comes to communicating with prospects for the first time. Pictures and illustrations should be clear and sales copy should not be too pushy. All marketing materials should use keywords and image tags appropriately.

Social media can also be used to check out the competition. Looking at their web copy throughout, as well as images can inspire ideas, although direct copying is a no. Uniqueness in product and presentation will go a long way for those who are new to the online selling game.

Checking out competitors can have its benefits, especially in the beginning stages of creating a marketing campaign. While copy should not be copied word for word, noting placements like the call to action. As the seller or maker becomes more comfortable with writing, they should experiment with different drafts and monitor which brings in the most returns.

Another good reason to write more than one copy is so that it can be tailored to each goal. For instance, a seller may want to use a discount code that will act as a loss leader or product giveaway. Another discount code can be used for buyers who have made multiple sales in recent.

While some people have been able to find great fortune through online sales, there is a lot of competition amongst makers, sellers, and ecommerce sites. Anyone who is new to online sales should research every site carefully and look at how the features will benefit them for the moment. Ideally, the learning curve will inspire new people to make upgrades as their sales increase.

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