Friday 28 December 2018

Tips In Teaching Blind And Visually Impaired Readers

By Susan Hughes

This dream profession comes with a lot of responsibilities. So, be prepared for the blind and visually impaired readers Atlanta in your class. Show to them that you are the perfect teacher to begin with and you will be teaching them everything that one has to know in their current education stage. You are going to be a formidable team.

You ought to provide them all the hours they need to inspect the tools which they shall be using on their first day. Everything would see new at this point so you have to give a brief introduction for every object they touch. Allow them to explore greatly and always show that one is calm with the environment that you got yourself into.

It does not matter if the orientation takes longer than the usual frame. What is vital is you are removing their inhibitions in a slow but steady matter. Constantly reassure them that they can do this despite their disability. In this room, they will not be judged for what they cannot do. Rather, they will be appreciated for how they rise up to it.

Do not stop them from being independent in here. However, make an emphasis that they need to call on you for help. They are free to become clueless about some terms. Thus, simply show your enthusiasm to help them out because these people will always be more sensitive than the average. Therefore, be true in being their aid.

Be certain that your voice is always clear and sharp. Remember that all of your students are learning by the ear. So, learn to take care of your body especially your voice. Take vitamins and learn to rest when you really had a tough week. You have more responsibilities now and that is something that your body cannot handle sometimes.

Before a question can be asked, a student would have to raise his or her hand. This can facilitate order and all the rules which you want to implement inside the room. This is still a learning center after all and everyone needs to stay on top of their game if they want to act and feel normal in this competitive world.

With regards to visually impaired students, then changing their position is the best thing to do. Provide them with all the tools they need to top their class. So, go ahead and be more concerned with their specific conditions. You really have to go beyond what is being asked from you in here.

Always call them on a first name basis. This would catch their attention and make them feel valued when you give positive reinforcement. As you can see, the tiniest details go a long way.

Lastly, you ought to persevere because the only hope of these children is you. One can get tired in repeating lessons for more emphasis but that is part of the deal. Just continue what you have started and always consult their parents for you to be properly guided in the interaction.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such positivity and a content that shows a ray of hope for the visually impaired and for sharing amazing tips for blind people. It’s a great blog. Even we deal in similar services. We at Braille Institute is a non-profit organization offering a broad range of free programs, classes and services serving thousands of students of all ages to empower themselves to live more enriching lives with blindness and vision loss. To know more, and seek help, visit our website at or call us on (323) 663-1111
