Tuesday 26 March 2013

Operating Your Computer Technology Website Favorably Via Optimal Links

By Joan Ames

How do you use online marketing and SEO to your advantage? You must've realized that it wasn't as easy as you thought it would be. There's no need to panic. All you have to do is follow these tips and soon you'll have the results you're looking for.

Cheat sheet giveaways are wonderful ways to attract new visitors and links. These brief how-to-style guides will offer help in areas that you specialize in and that they can relate to. A good guide will make them want to further explore your site for more helpful information.

Don't build a computer guide site and figure out the particulars later. Consider your long-term goals, decide on a budget for both how much money you're willing to invest and how much time you're willing to invest. If the technology help website is a small part of your business, don't let it take over your life! If it's your main business, however, you need to make it a full-time job.

When someone writes you an e-mail asking you about a support issue, copy the question (and your answer) and paste it into the help or FAQ section on your site. This will help future visitors get the information you need, and will spare you from having to answer the same question over and over again!

There are statistics gathering tools available which you could make use of on your computer guide site. You could track how many people visit your technology help website and from which locations. These statistics could also tell you how a visitor landed on your page.

When building and maintaining a large computer guide site, it's easy to get a little messy. Using a sitemap where it lists all the items on you technology help website in a structured manner with hyperlinks can be of great help to get things organized. To prevent your users from getting lost and not wanting to come back, installing a sitemap to help them navigate through your site will make it easier for them to look through all of your hard work.

Featuring the text of interesting interviews on your site is good for traffic. Featuring interviews with full audio is even better! Skype is a free service that has made it really simple to conduct interviews- just get the software you need to record them, and you're on your way to increased traffic.

Slip a small detail of your forthcoming items to the people on your contact list. Even before the product appears on the site, send out an interesting offer to them. This increases the chances of them buying your products, if they feel like they are an essential part of your trade. Also they will advertise about it to their friends and family which in-turn will increase your computer guide site rating.

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