Thursday 25 July 2013

A Professional IT Strategy Can Be Rather Vital

By Emma Mathers

IT strategy, or Information Technology strategy is a term used to describe the complete plan that consists of objectives; tactics and principles related to how a specific organization will make use of its technologies. These strategies focus primarily on the actual technology and at time it also includes the individuals who manage them. These strategies are normally in a documented format and are directed at the organizations decisions concerning technology.

Other aspects that are focused on, are efficient spending on technological aspects, how to use these available technologies so as to make full use of integrating them into the organization. Overall the main area of concern is to ensure that the organization, its customers and employees are gaining the whole benefit of the technology. Strategies of this nature unlike business plans cover 3-5 years.

Most companies decide to rather put their strategies down in writing in order to effectively have it followed through in daily operations. These documents or plans have to be understandable and flexible to allow for unforeseen circumstances that could arise. As businesses transform so should these strategies and their specific priorities to ensure that the newest technology is being employed to aid workers with their jobs.

Budget constraint, new technology and varying needs all have an effect on how strategies are adjusted or incorporated into each organization. A perfect plan should be easy for employees to follow; this will be in the way that it has been set out. Additionally there are 4 areas that one should focus on especially when designing these plans.

Firstly the main organizational process and information requirements that ones IT system has to be able to support. Secondly, the key equipment needed in order to support the related activities, such as desktops, servers, laptops as well as communication systems. This will also extend onto the operating systems and application software that is used for the various functions of departments within the organization.

Another decision that needs to be made is whether or not the organization will be using standard software or having a system designed. Other considerations that come into play is if the applications have to have support 24/7; if certain services will be outsourced or if skills will be taught to an in- house team. These are all very important decisions that one will be faced with and need careful consideration.

There are numerous companies that will happily operate without strategies being put in place; it may work for some industries but not all of them. But alternately, not putting a plan in place, as a result decisions made will normally be based on one area of the corporation. It may perhaps lead to discrepancy and disorganization leading to expensive mistakes, ultimately employees could end up feeling frustrated.

In contrast, having a clear thought out IT strategy gives any organization the ability to make cost-effective and appropriate related decisions. There is no specific time to consider setting these plans into action it all depends on the company. But it is best done early on to utilize all the business potential from the start by using the appropriate tools and technology that is available.

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