Monday 22 July 2013

Is Your IT Help Desk Software Falling Short

By Sofia Heath

The IT help desk software that is chosen for your organization ought to be acquired only after a complete analysis of the requirements. Formal system analysis principles should to be thoroughly applied to make sure that the system selected fulfills the organization's needs. Most importantly, the support staff must be trained in all aspects of the information systems department. A system is only as good as those who are administrating it.

When viewing support systems, it must be understood that support for in-house computer and technology services is distinct from customer support. At the same time, however, it must be understood that customer support often involves computer and technological support too. An effective support system maintains good customer relations and smooth uninterrupted business operations.

Most large information system departments are organized into teams based on functionality. For example, there is a team that supports PC workstations, and another team maintains the network printers, scanners, photocopiers, and other networked peripherals. An important function is maintaining computer security. User names and passwords are assigned and maintained. Computer access is controlled and monitored.

If someone working the desk is unable to solve an issue then they should know who to contact to help them. Most problems fall into familiar categories that support staff can resolve quickly. Common problems are slow networks, security issues, and printers malfunctioning. Internet and browser issues are becoming more frequent. Problems are tracked, recorded in a database and analyzed to create more effective responses and install prevention programs to avoid problems in the first place.

Large relational database systems frequently have issues that require resolution by an expert. Data integrity is a mission critical issue. There are issues regarding viruses and hacking that must be addressed. Phone systems and telecommunications in general requires a large team with impeccable training and talent.

Support team members must have extensive cross-training. Each team member must be there to back another team member. In the rare event that an analyst can not resolve an issue, there will be clear guidelines that will direct the problem to the next person in the chain of command. Cross-training is important in making the whole system work. The objective is to resolving problems rapidly. A small problem can quickly grow into a big problem, if it is not taken care of promptly.

Depending on the size and complexity of the organization, off-the-shelf canned programs might be all that is necessary. Each enterprise is may be unique, but most face common problems when it comes to these types of issues. The common sense approach might be to take a hard look at the application packages with the best reputations. Perhaps a free trial version of the application may help you make a good decision.

When there are problems with information systems the consequences can be serious. These types of problems need to be resolved quickly. This is why IT help desk software is vitally important. There are two stages of the process. First, the upfront, initial analysis resulting in the design plan of the support application. Second, the installation and implementation of the system. Lastly, the organization must be prepared for ongoing maintenance of the application.

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