Saturday 3 August 2013

What Is The Best Option For The Best GPS Satellite Reception?

By Yaha Jones

While car GPS units usually work flawlessly, occasionally you might experience problems with your car GPS satellite reception. It can be frustrating; especially when you need to get somewhere and your unit won't lock onto a signal. If the GPS is your only source of direction, things become even more frustrating. If you can't get your GPS unit to lock onto a signal, try these simple steps to get reception.

The only downside to GPS is that on occasion it can be hindered by poor signal strength. There are a number of factors that can influence the strength of your GPS signal. Common problems include tall buildings, specialized window coatings, bad weather, solar flares and low batteries. Each time your signal is interrupted it can throw you off course and slow your progress toward your destination.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to combat poor signal strength. First, start by checking the batteries on your GPS receiver. When your batteries get low it can degrade the signal, limiting the range of your GPS unit. Always make sure it is fully charged before leaving home.

The way to deal with poor GPS satellite reception is to make sure you have a signal before you actually drive away. Wait until the GPS unit locks until you leave. When you need to use your GPS, turn it on and let it sit out in the open until you get a signal. Keep it on for awhile after you get a signal so the data can download.

This is very important, since a unit searching for GPS satellites will use more batter than ones that are already connected. Also, loss of a connection can mean that your GPS will lose your location. At best, this can mean your GPS unit will think you are in the wrong area, and will give you poor directions. At worst, this means your GPS unit will completely fail to lead you in a reliable manner.

Following these simple steps is the best way to make sure that your GPS signal stays strong no matter where your travels take you. Also, keep in mind that if you plan to be in unfamiliar territory, it is a good idea to keep a paper map of the area in your glove box as a backup in case anything goes wrong with your GPS unit.

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