Thursday 19 December 2013

Phone Systems And The Many Variants

By Leanne Goff

There are several phone types as well as phone systems Chicago types. There may be some that are curious as to what these things are on a much deeper level. To those interested, there are at least three main types that may be discussed further. One is the internet protocol variant, another is the plain old telephone service and then there would be cellular phone systems.

The landline system that is still being widely utilized in households and offices today are actually part of the POTS or the plain old telephone service. This is the analog service that has copper wiring. It can be said to be a direct descendant to the system that was originally developed by Alexander Graham Bell.

There are actually several advantages to the use of this variant. Some of the advantages would include having standardized equipment and predictable sound quality. Because of its direct connection to the central office of the company, there exists no need to share its capacity with anyone else who may be in need of it.

The switches are also set in place already. This will create a private circuit for just about every call that takes place. Many call it the public switched telephone network because of that, sometimes just PSTN. This has been made available for several years and has withstood every other new variant that arrived since then. The use has not been affected in any significantly negative way whatsoever.

The second type is utilized heavily by cellular phones. Companies can occasionally have networks that are exclusive to them. Simultaneously, what they have will vary in terms of the type and how far off their technology is. It is comparable to POTS, since it is a full duplex system. That means those on both lines may talk and listen simultaneously.

Despite that similarity, there are notable differences as well. A primary one would be the fact that the cellular variety makes use of radio frequencies as opposed to copper wire. Though these things first started out as mobile voice networks exclusively, they are not capable of carrying both data and voice.

There are quite a few networks that operate nationally. Some even do so on an international stage. The best thing about all of this is that technology is in a state of flux. At some point, a new standard will be established and the cycle will continue to evolve for as long as possible. 3G can support wireless modem aircards and netbook computers, not just cell and smartphones.

Voice over internet protocol or VoIP is also called IP. This is another example of what is used today. This service piggy backs existing connections like DSL or cable services. An analog telephone adapter also serves as the mediator that connects a phone to the modem or the router.

This system can be set up using a single line for internet and telephone services both. This is a way for people to save up on money. Using integrated T1 lines, instead of setting up for voice or data, it would be a way to handle both. These are a few that that can be expected from varying phone systems Chicago.

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