Thursday 6 March 2014

Relax, Repair Your Wii, And Play Some Games!

By James Pierce

Have you ever encountered a damaged Nintendo Wii gaming system and you do not know where to turn to repair your Wii? Don't trust those individuals that do the delivery and shipping or the repair centers as you know deep down inside that most of them are simply self-taught technicians with no formal training? Well you are not alone. I have been there frantically thinking of what to do to get my Wii up and running again without having to send it out to untrustworthy repair centers or having to pack the heck out of the box so the brutal shipping services don?t do more damage to it or worse yet, lose it somewhere between New York and Seattle. I came up with my own solution, I did my own Wii repair. You notice I said my own repair? Yes, your hearing is good, Nintendo Wii repair is not all that hard and in fact fairly easy and fast with a nice Wii Fix Guide and email support to answer questions that might come up while you have your Wii disassembled.

Let me first share my story with you. Nothing ruins my Thursday game night greater than a broken Wii console. Some people go out to clubs and drinking, I stay in on Thursday night every week and have Wii game night. Nothing seems worse than working a long stressful week and come game night your Wii console goes caput!

Now just exactly what do I do? The Wife and kids are residing at the in-laws house until the next day and this is the perfect time to spend having Wii competitions with my friends. But I have to come up with a solution to get my Wii up and running.

Obviously, shipping my gaming console to a repair center wouldn't get me up and running too fast. That could take days or even a couple of weeks before I could have my unit back. Not forgetting, if the repair center has a backlog of Wii consoles that require fixing too, getting my unit back will obviously take a lot longer. In addition, I have to worry about some, why don't we just say... unfortunate situations come up by sending my Wii away to be repaired.

My first Wii underwent the knife at one of these repair houses and came back in worse condition than when it went out. The amount of scratches on the console just blew me away. Who do I blame? Shipping company or the repair center. It upset me so bad I just gave my Wii away and went out and purchased a new one.

Bottom line, this is my second unit and as much as possible I don't want anybody touching it but me - since I know this is just a simple problem that I can fix if I have an easy to follow Wii fix guide. I mean, I work at a bank and though I don't have much technical training, I am not totally technically impaired.

So I searched the web (Yes - there are some sites that are legit and knows what their talking about) for solutions to my issue. After visiting numerous pages and joining different forums, I stumbled to one saying that he repaired his Wii using a simple and easy to follow Wii fix guide. He claims that Wii repair has never been easier since the instructions are orderly and describes different Wii problems.

So I followed the link to the website. The website looked great and made plenty of valid points on it being the best solution for those of us not afraid to do a little dis-assembly. Again, reading the part about free email support just completely sold me. No way was I going to pass up on attempting to fix my own Wii.

So I personally repaired my Wii (I knew it was just a simple matter) and nothing is much sweeter than playing an all night gaming session.

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