Sunday 10 August 2014

Choosing Games For Wii U Virtual Console

By Tanisha Berg

Nintendo have been at the forefront of games for a couple of decades. They have produced gaming icons such as Mario and Zelda. Inevitably though even the most committed of gamers may have lost a console or two along the way and with it a number of classic titles. However there are a number of games for Wii U virtual console available that will allow you to relive those classic gaming memories without the need to trawl through markets or online to find old consoles!

The titles available will depend on the region you are buying from. For example in Europe you are restricted to the PAL titles available for download. However with 101 currently available titles it is likely that there will be something available that will be ideal for your personal gaming needs!

As with movies games you can choose from a variety of genres. Nintendo have generally been seen as the more family friendly console. Therefore a lot of the time when people think of their games they tend to think of platformers featuring colourful characters that are not particularly offensive.

After the NES came the Super Nintendo. Many gaming aficionados believe the 16 bit era produced some of the finest games in what is still a relatively young artform. While the graphics may not be as advanced as the latest consoles this represented an evolution of pick up and play gaming.

It should also be remembered that you could also get side scrolling beat em up games like Double Dragon on the system. There is a broad range of genres available covering everything from puzzles to stunt bikes. The chances are you will find a game that you want to play!

Some may be ones that you remember. These include classics such as Zelda and Super Mario Bros. While games machines may have created more advanced graphics or cinematic cut scenes there is something eternally iconic in the deceptively simple look and inventive design of the finest work of Shigeru Miaymoto and his fellow designers. Others may be a gamble or based on the recommendation of a friend. However because the downloads are relatively inexpensive it is often worth having a go because you may stumble on a new favourite.

Some people may wonder why you would want to download from the virtual shop as opposed to purchasing older consoles from second hand stores. One reason is simple and practical. There is always the risk that a second hand console or game could be damaged and over time you may not be able to play it.

There is also the fact that the downloadable versions of the titles will have extra features that take advantage of the Wii U controls. It is worth looking at reviews before you download in order to find this out as well as getting an idea of how much the download will cost. In short the Wii U virtual console is the perfect place if you want to enjoy retro Nintendo games without the fuss!

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