Monday 4 August 2014

How An Emergency Radio Is Used During A Disaster

By Eric Holm

It is not unusual for people to panic during a crisis. A traumatic experience will affect different people in different ways and it helps if someone can remain calm under pressure. Safety should be a top priority for all. Having access to the proper supplies, including an emergency radio, can mean the difference between life and death. Things are often chaotic in the aftermath of a natural disaster or some type of accident. Keeping a cool head and knowing where to turn for accurate information is absolutely crucial if you hope to come through a disaster in relatively good shape.

Communications often break down in the immediate aftermath of a massive flood, devastating tsunami or strong earthquake. In some cases, physical damage will render the system inoperable. Many times the system simply becomes overwhelmed as people desperately attempt to reach out to loved ones. Antennas can lose power and cellular towers and telephone wires can be physically damaged, depending on the nature of the disaster. Government systems can even break down in the wake of hurricanes, blizzards and other severe weather events. When communication among the citizens becomes limited, it is time for certain organizations to spring into action with solutions. There are a number of different plans in place that are designed to restore or replace certain communication systems where there is a catastrophic failure. There are also tools and pieces of equipment that can help people stay in touch during these trying times.

Amateur Radio: In time of a natural disaster an amateur radio is often used as an important medium of emergency communication. An amateur radio is especially helpful when wire phone, cell phones and other communication mediums fail to respond. Unlike other communication devices, the amateur radio is not completely dependent on land facilities. Amateur radio operators are experienced in using the device. It can easily be powered with an automobile battery.

AM/FM Solar Dynamo Radio with Flashlight: An AM/FM Solar Dynamo Radio with flashlights is also used as an emergency communication device. The radio with its flashlights converts the solar energy for rechargeable lanterns, blinking lights and an AM/FM Radio for indoor and outdoor activities. These radio types are especially great for power failures. AM/FM Radio (TRANSISTOR) With Speaker: These radio transistors can best be used to give access to emergency news and warnings. The compact radio keeps one updated on warnings and emergencies even during power failures. These radio transistors are generally available with head sets and carry straps.

Brass Whistle with Lanyard: This brass whistle includes a lanyard and is a great attention catching device. The device is especially compact and affordable. There's a special method of using the device - to indicate a call for help three sharp bursts are used and to answer a call, only two bursts are used. Some other important communication devices that can be used during a crisis include, AM/FM Radio Siren Flashlights, Bull Horn, Hand Held Radio, Weather Band w/Dynamo Charging System, Lifeline Emergency Kit w/Phone, Solar Dynamo Radios along with Flashlights Models, Megaphone, some with Sirens, Pocket Compass, Solar AM/FM Shortwave Radio, and shack flashlights.

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