Tuesday 23 September 2014

Information MWD Drilling Software Transmits

By Karina Frost

MWD which in full is Measurement While Drilling is measurement taken when drilling on an angle of inclination to the vertical line. These measurements are taken by the MWD Drilling Software. This data is used to produce a 3-D plot of the path of the oil well. This software will transmit crucial information to the operator during operations.

The software transmits information on the direction the well is being drilled. Directional survey can be done by the software and sent in real time. Azimuth and the inclination angle of the drill hole are measured by the magnetometers and accelerometers in it. Immediately information on them has been measured it is transmitted to the surface for analysis

The location of the wellbore can be obtained by data taken at intervals between ten meters to five hundred meters send to the surface. The informative shows the company if the location drilled is or is not within their exploration block. It is not necessary to get this information when you wellhole is being drilled vertically or at a very small angle from the vertical line.

The surveys is mainly used in directional-drilling. Directional-drilling forms the main or core part of any survey. Finding and moving towards the target zone of the well will be made easier by this information. Directional-drilling is aided by MWD by the provision of tool face measurements which uses downhole mud motors with bent housing or bent.

The software sends information about the mechanics of the drill bit. This kind of information include the downhole temperature, mud flow volume, smoothness of rotation, the drillstring speed of rotation, the weight as well as torque on the dril bit. This info will lead to more efficient operations. It also ensures that the tools used won't fail when drilling because they can be operated within their technical specifications. Geologists use this information to understand the formation of the zone being drilled.

Drillers use information from the MWD tools for performing geosteering to the zones targeted. The software sends formation properties of the area being drilled at that moment. This kind of information will be on porosity, inclination of the drill bit, the resistivity and the acoustic-caliper which is very important to the driller.

The internal gamma ray sensor using installed in MWD tools measures the natural gamma rays values at the well. The sensors are inexpensive, compact and are able to take the measurements when working on unmodified drill collars. MWD computer programs cuts the process costs and increases the life-span of the drill bits.

Mud-pulse telemetry method or electromagnetic telemetry are the two methods used to transmit data from the drill bit. The mud valve downhole gives the information in the mud-pulse method, by creating pressure differences when restricting mud flows. The pulse can either be continuous wave, positive or negative pulse.

MWD software analyzes voltage signals transmitted through electromagnetic telemetry method. These voltage signals are generated as a result of altered voltage differences in the lower and upper parts of the electrical insulator in the drillstring. Wires attached to the wellhead and the rod form the electrodes for information transmission.

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