Tuesday 28 October 2014

Simple Etiquette When Watching Free Movies

By Dominique Martin

Nowadays, people can enjoy a lot of things. They can go on a date at amusement parks or visit a spa to unwind. They can look for all-you-can-eat restaurants and pig out. Out of the various entertaining activities available to people these days, visiting a theater to enjoy free movies should be one of those at the top of the list.

It should be a fun activity for you. However, you should remember a few etiquette when it comes to this activity so that you can have a memorable viewing experience. These are etiquette that will also prevent you from annoying the other moviegoers. Here are those simple etiquette to remember when going to the nearby theater.

First, avoid using your cellphones when you are on the theater. You can either turn this off, keep it in silent mode, or not bring it at all. It is only fine to use the cellphone at the theater when you reply to a text or when you light the way down the aisle but it is never right to talk to someone over the phone.

Watch where you rest your feet. It is actually acceptable for you to rest your knees or feet on the armrest or chair right in front of you. No matter how much the ushers do not like it, you have to keep yourself feeling comfortable the entire time. However, make sure that the seat is empty first before doing anything.

Taking pictures is a big no no. Not only is this illegal, it can be really annoying for the others who are there to watch the film. Whether they be in front of you or behind you, they will find it annoying if you keep on taking pictures of the screen, especially with the flash feature turned on.

When you want to talk, you better do it in a whisper. Do not be too loud in a theater. Just like in a library, silence is highly appreciated. Otherwise, it will be awful for the others in the theater when you shout out loud or when you keep on talking to the person you came with in a very audible voice.

Of course, do not make out. Teenagers are usually the ones who make out in a theater but it is actually not recommended to do so. In fact, it is highly forbidden. Do not ever make out when there are kids around, when there are lots of people, or even when the theater is a bit deserted.

Pee breaks is inevitable. There are those people who cannot stay in one place for a long period of time without visiting the bathroom. It is fine if you do it once during the entire film. It can be really annoying for the people within your aisle if you keep on getting up from your seat to go on a pee break.

Snacking is not forbidden but you have to be mindful of your surrounding. Do not let the noise of your cellophane echo all throughout the theater. You should chew your crunchy junk foods slowly and quietly too. No one will appreciate it if you take a snack noisily and messily.

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