Saturday 21 March 2015

How To Use An Android Phone Effectively

By Lelia Hall

Transport and communication are very important aspects of human life. Without these two facilities, the quality of life that people can live would be really low. When proper transport and communication channels are in place and made accessible to all, a community can develop very fast since these two aspects facilitate other economic activities in the area. The ways on how to use an android phone are very simple.

Transportation is generally w word used to describe the movement of people, products and other forms of property from one place to another. This is usually from the source of the products to the destination which I also usually the place of need or market. In order for trade to take place effectively, there should be very fast means of ensuring that all produce is in the market on time for the selling process to commence.

The introduction of railway lines improved the situation to some extent. People could now move their produce from the farms to the market places easily. This was further aided by the invention of roads and automobiles. These made transportation very easy as they could move from door to door. They could cover inland distances within minimal time limits. Finally air transport was introduced too.

These trains served well for long distances where intermediate alignment was not necessary. It however failed in short distance travels and another solution had to be sought. The introduction of road transportation and motor boats for water travel solved this problem once and for all. These systems were very fast for short distance travels and could convey the goods at the door way of the person.

This activity also started off very primitively with people having either to send word of mouth. This method was prone to alterations and even misinterpretations depending on the messenger and his language skills. Letter writing took over from that. Further developments in technology led to the introduction of telephones that were stationary in nature.

Written information could be transferred using direct mail delivery procedures. Soon enough phones hit the market and these basically transformed everything. People could now send and receive messages or even communicate directly without having to necessarily meet face to face. This means cut down the costs that people incurred to communicate to the bare minimal. However, something still had to be done about the convenience issue.

With the mobile phones in place people could easily send and receive messages and other vital information easily from their phones. It was seen necessary to improve these gadgets so that they can have the capacity to use internet services. These services were a lot faster and cheaper as compared to telecommunication networks. This was when internet enabled phones were introduced to the market to replace the edge ones.

In order for these devices to access and use the internet connection platform, supportive software had to be introduced. The most popular software in phones right now is android. It is a very superior system application that enables the device to not only access the net but also perform many other functions. Using android phones has a pleasant experience.

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