Saturday 8 September 2012

How does a Satellite telephone work?

By John Whitley

Great questions and the answers are quite straightforward. I've been running a satellite phone sales and rental business in the most isolated town on the planet. Any Guesses???

Well its Perth, Western Australia and we lay claim to quite literally being the most isolated town. So to the point of this text. I have often been asked at gatherings and parties how does a satellite phone work.

Well first we have to understand what do Satellite phones do and what makes them so different from our typical cellular or cellphone. The answer I have created is that simply put Satellite phones provide either telephone or info communications where there is not any cellular or mobile phone coverage available.

Now I hear you say thats in my living room. No thats not what I'm saying. For example in Australia the nation's Telco proudly advertises that it gives mobile coverage to 80 p.c. of the people. What it neglects to then tell you is that 80% of the populace live in 23% of the country. So what about the other 77% of the terrain around Australia. Well the answer is that you haven't got any mobile or cellular coverage.

Result, the need for a satellite phone. The reason is that unlike a standard mobile phone which uses telecom towers to broadcast its signal across the land to a base station, which then in turn finds its way to the destination needed. A satellite phone signal goes up not across. Meaning you've got to have direct line of site to the sky for it to work. Then when you're finished dialling, the signal goes into space to be met by a revolving satellite which takes your signal, then pushes it out to 3 other satellites in space and creates and solid signal. All this is seconds. Pretty impressive.

It then takes your signal and directs it to a land base station in the area you have requested by dialling the number you selected and hey presto connection.

The importance of this is that it doesn't depend on a continuing row of towers to broadcast the signal. This enables you to be anywhere in the world and make a call home to your mum or loved one.

Even from the very top of Everest, where this year a climber let his wife know he had reached the summit. To rowing across the planet's oceans in a canoe.

It doesnt come down such a lot to how will they work but will they work where I want them to and when I need them to.

Well there are at the current time 3 systems that cover almost all of the earth. First in Inmarsat, which started out life as a military range of satellites out of America. These are still used heavily by the military all over the world but have recently opened its doors to the corporate buck. This system due to its cost is generally used for high speed data transference.

Then comes Iridium, the sole really satellite voice provider that covers the Globe. Iridium is recognised as the leader of quality satellite communication. Having recently just replaced the 9555 handset with the new smaller, lighter iridium 9575 handset. They are repetitively showing their commitment to improving their service.

The third service that Australian and the East Asia Pacific have access to is known as Thuraya. Thurayas coverage covers three quarters of the earth surface. With their first market being purchaser handsets which are light, and very small.

Balance this with the ticket being half the cost of its Iridium competitor has permitted Thuraya to cut a big market in The East Pacific area. With the launching of their most recent satellite which covers the Eastern Coast of Australia will without doubt bring added users to their existing network.

As to which service or provider should you select, well that simply depends upon your individual wishes. The simple answer get good qualified advice as to what will assist you and you'll have a safe and contented trip but will generally save thousands of bucks at the very same time.

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