Saturday 3 November 2012

Learn Easy Tricks To Using Your IPhone

By Amiel Nalda

Iphones are more than phones, they are devices that allow you to experience life in a whole new light. Look through the contents of this article to see what you can learn about iPhones and how to use them to your advantage.

Through the aid of Siri, you can create custom location reminders. If you were used to giving Siri time-based commands, you can instead switch to location-based commands to make things easier. You can tell Siri to remind you to give work a call when you get home. Then, once you reach home, Siri will sense it and remind you. You can remind yourself even if you are unsure of the time you will get home.

Are you interested in backing up your iPhone contact list? If so, then iDrive Lite is an app that you should use, as it can easily restore and share your contacts. Luckily, it is free as long has you have updated your iPhone's software ahead of time.

There is an easy way to remove unwanted emails with just a swipe of your finger. Go to the inbox where you can simply slide your finger across an email which will then bring up the delete button. There you can easily and instantly delete the message.

If your iPhone has a guarantee, make sure to keep it safe. A bit of insurance might be worth the purchase as well. Insurance and your warranty/guarantee should take care of everything. Use a protective case for your iPhone to avoid damages if you drop it.

Synchronize your iPhone with time management systems you have in place on your computer. This will enable you to view any of your commitments right from your phone, instead of needing to pull them up on your computer. Don't just do this once and then forget about it, however. Make sure you do it often so that you stay up to date.

If you are listening to some tunes on the iPhone, know that it is possible to change the icons found on the screen's bottom. Through Settings, you can opt to 'add more icons'. Now you can choose from a variety of icons, then use them to access all of your favorite albums, genres, artists and songs.

Play with your phone. The more you play with it, the more knowledgeable you will be with your iPhone. You may need to take several hours or several days to get familiar with your iPhone. The more time you devote to experimenting, the better. You'll soon be very familiar with your phone's unique features.

You can take better pictures by pressing the volume button of your headset instead of the button located on your iPhone. You can use this so you don't shake it. You can also use different angles for your pictures.

Anyone new to owning an iPhone is always astonished at all the different things then can now accomplish with this piece of technology. Novices don't understand half of the things that an iPhone can do for you. Your iPhone can increase your productivity and help you in your everyday life, especially if you know how to use it properly.

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