Thursday 8 November 2012

The Life or Death Of Your Business Depends On Mobile Marketing Services

By Chris Sewell

Technologies such as Text Message Marketing, Mobile Websites, and Mobile Apps are putting some established businesses out of business, while allowing the new breed of Cowboy/Cowgirl entrepreneur to ride in and steal all the local business over time. The death of establish businesses happens slowly. They almost don't see it coming until it's too late. Today, you have a chance to take action.

Why Mobile Websites Are Hot Right Now For Business Owners. When someone does a search on their mobile device, they are more likely to buy from the merchant they contact than someone who does a classic Google Internet search from their desktop PC or Mac. What I will say is that there are a whole lot of smartphones and table devices out there today and there will be much more in the future.

Why mobile marketing services will get your marketing message read faster. You have a big problem and if you don't solve this problem fast, you might just find yourself out of business, and it doesn't matter if you currently have a 20 year old business. Why am I saying this? It's because the world is going mobile and you are far behind the curve. However, you are smart and you take action to learn what you don't know.

They may not buy from you right away or at all. Search engines are all about giving people free information, which is cool, but as a business owner, you want buyers contacting you, right? This is why you should be excited about people who search for what you sell using their mobile devices (iPhones and iPads). Mobile Marketing Using A Mobile Website To Get New Customers. When someone uses a mobile device to search for something, they are usually ready to buy right away. This is what you want, don't you?

But, only 4 billion own a toothbrush. Some people have a cell phone but no toothbrush...yuck! 73% of all mobile searches result in that person either calling, texting or emailing that business within 1 hour. Mobile searchers are buyers, not just people looking for free stuff. You want these buyers. I want you to read that last sentence again because that is where the profit potential for your business is quietly waiting. Mobile marketing is fire-hot today. But it won't be forever.

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