Saturday 8 December 2012

Android OS Trivia

By Frank T. Newcrest

If you keep up with all of the latest cellular market news you already know that, as far as popularity is concerned, the Android OS is rapidly gaining on the iPhone and Blackberry OSes. This is partly because the Android OS is used in a wide variety of phones. This might also be because the operating system itself is constantly being worked on, upgraded and developed which makes it highly competitive against the other smart phone OSes that are on the market. Unlike the other two major competitors for smart phones (Blackberry and iPhone) the Android/Google phones are widely varied and come in a bunch of different styles and vary in the extensiveness of their software. Here are some great facts about the Android and Google phones that you might not yet know.

There are so many different types of cellular phones that use the Android OS, choosing among them can be quite difficult. The best information is that the Android phone and the Google phones are intelligent phones also known as smart phones! That?s right: the smart phone is no longer limited to the iPhone or the Blackberry! Here are a few more interesting facts about he Android OS.

There are more than one hundred phones that use the Android OS. The shear number of smartphone possibilities are virutally impossible to estimate when comparing Android, iPhone and Blackberry.

This is important for people who do not want to be confined to just one or two choices for their cell phones. Customers will enjoy being able to custom fit their Google phone to meet the needs of everyday personal or business life. You aren't forced to use systems you don't like or services you don't need. You now have the freedom to create the phone that best fits your personality.

If you are less than thrilled with the handset of your iPhone you don't have a whole lot of options. If you aren't happy with your Blackberry headset you have a few options to choose from. If you aren't happy with one of the handsets that uses the Android OS you have plenty of other options to choose from. Google phones are your best bet if you like having lots of choices available to you. This is true because each of the major cell phone makers is starting to implement the Android OS for their phones so it won't matter what kind of headset you like the best, there will be a Google phone that uses it.

You ave lots of options if you want to listen to and buy music through the Android OS phone. One of the best things about owning an iPhone is having the iTunes store right at your fingertips. That does not mean that you won't have the same kind of accessibility if you have a Google phones. There are a lot of different free music applications available for Android phone users. Others use the music sales websites and stores pretty much the same way that the iPhone uses the iTunes marketplace.

Don't believe anybody who tries to tell you that you can only listen to and buy music from your phone if you have an iPhone.

Choosing your next cellular phone used to be easy. You probably just accepted your free upgrade from your provider. Now you might be apt to choose your cellular provider based solely on the types of phones it will sell to you. The great news is that, because of the Android OS, you are able to have the smart phone you want no matter which provider you like the best. Isn't that just music to your ears?

About the Author:

1 comment:

  1. You ave lots of options if you want to listen to and buy music through the Android OS phone. One of the best things about owning an iPhone is having the iTunes store right at your fingertips.

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