Wednesday 26 December 2012

Does Voip Monitoring Really Matter?

By Saul Saresi

The world of Voip is exploding like a coke can filled with popping candy, and everyone wants a piece of the action. And when there is so much action to be had, market share to be gained and profits to be made, one thing is for sure; people want to know that their investment is protected, and that means monitoring.

The explosion of popularity in Voice Over IP technology caused by the incredible benefits it offers has somewhat allowed the cracks to show through longer and more un-reservedly than would potentially be the case in other business sectors. But with so much competition now out there, downtime is not an excuse, and non-monitoring is not an option.

Due to the nature of Voip technology, however, all of the components which are required to be working in order to successfully make calls are out of a company's direct control. This (unavoidable) relinquishment of power by all companies using this technology, is one of the biggest business stumbling blocks it faces, and the reason why effective monitoring is in such high demand.

The most accurate method of monitoring to ensure optimum call quality is by 'end-to-end'. This method works by duplicating calls to users' SIP devices, and analyzing the actual call responses in order to determine the quality of signal and system services. When a problem is detected, the monitoring feature can then send an immediate alert via either sms, email or phone.

Another significant benefit is that monitoring systems such as these can also provide in-depth, real-time, status and connectivity reports - offering sufficient detail to instantly address any error that may occur - via an interactive dashboard interface. Such reporting functionality as this has a wealth of options and potential, from historical reports for management purposes through to service level agreements.

Regardless of what a company's motivation for utilising monitoring systems may be - whether simply to ensure the risk of bad service provision is minimised or to gain valuable insights into their company's performance - the systems that are there have their advantages and should be utilised wherever possible.

With the rise of Voip technology showing no signs of abating any time soon, it is essential that all possible steps are taken to reduce the risk of 'system error' impacting on your business without warning.

So when you are looking for a Voice Over IP service provider, be sure to look beyond the dazzle of the cheapest price, and do your research by choosing an ITSPA registered provider with a proven track record and a Quality Mark for good measure.

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