Wednesday 12 February 2014

Different Aspects Of Nigerian Financial Software Development

By Marcie Goodman

Financial software is a system of applications that are used to record various types of accounting information. The records that are reflected in these systems are those of expenses and incomes from specific accounting periods. The systems have special accounts into which the receivables and other types of expenses are entered into. The Nigerian financial software development process should take care of various needs by a firm. Before the process is embarked on, there is a need to define various problems that these organizations face.

The definition of various features and the data types is commonly done by the use of special tools that are offered by accounting applications. There are various types of forms, tables and other tools that define what will be inputted into these systems. These tools commonly represent what is to be recorded for a particular organization. The tools require that the data of the same type ought to be entered into these forms and tables.

Organization based assessments ought to be carried out at the preliminary stages. The various tests conducted on the current systems help to establish what is lacking in the current accounting applications. Any duplication of data or redundancy of processes is established at this stage. The tests establish what needs to be changed in the current systems. Any upgrades or complete overhauls are also pinpointed at this stage.

The application development path is very risky and complicated. The problems are defined and as result the urgent matters are understood very well. The large problems that have been pinpointed are broken down into a series of smaller bits. The features that are offered by the structural programming tools ensure that problems can be easily be broken into smaller bits. This is followed by the assembling of a team of experts and the delegation of duties.

Once the structural programming elements have been identified, the programmers and the coding team start the process of putting the problem into perspective. Coding is done in various applications. The modern coding programs have automated some processes. The objects are defined and then the characteristics of various objects are built around these items. The bits are then linked to form the final project which is then tested for any bugs.

The project managers are faced with a couple of constraints. The constraints are mainly in the form of costs and time factors. Budgets are drafted at the onset of most projects. The costs that are likely to be incurred are estimated. Inflation on the prices makes the projects more expensive and this may delay the implementation.

Implementation of the software projects is supervised by the managers with the help of risk analysts. T reduce the risk of failure, most of the new projects are run side to side with the old systems. This is done for some time until the experts are assured that they meet the intended objectives.

The Nigerian financial software development is usually done in accordance with the international computing standards. The standardization process helps ensure that the standards of developing enterprise applications are observed. The process reduces the risks associated with substandard programs and consequently the risk of failure.

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