Thursday 26 February 2015

Importance Of Active Directory Password Reminder To Company Security

By Katina Brady

Its never easy to manage all the information that comes in and out of the company at a daily basis. That is why big companies don't do this manually. Systems are developed to facilitate the smooth flow of monitoring including the log in details that every worker use when they access data for work.

If you belong to a small company, then centralizing the access of business related information may not be a trend. This is because the number of people who are working with you is not that big. But for companies that have thousands of employees with them, active directory password reminder system is used.

Certain commands can be inputted on the system so that it will automatically remind the person of the need to change his pw. Sadly there are those who don't mind those notifications and go ahead with their work not minding about the importance of the change. If you are someone guilty of ignoring these notifications, then you shouldn't be surprised if you see them again and again.

The administrators are given the authority to decide on the schedule of the reminders. They can also send it through your mobile number and email. Unless you don't make some effort to change it, which can only take two to three minutes, the notifications will keep on coming.

The notifications will also not be received by everyone at once. Schedules can be different for different departments or for different positions. For instance, the admin can schedule those who are heads of their departments to have the same day of notification sending. Their members can receive it some other time.

Company heads understand the constant risk that is always posed by hackers all over the web. One carelessness on the part of the guys who maintains the company's data security and millions can be lost. Changing of passwords may sound like not a very good solution to address the issue of data theft but it can very well encourage everyone to be cautious.

Prior to the creation of this mechanism, it has been proven that passwords can easily be stolen if enough time is given. This is what company's are trying to avoid. And since verbal announcement of the need to change the details seemed not to be working, then a system has to be established to force it to the employees. And frankly, what is wrong with spending three minutes to change to a new one. If it can do a lot to secure your data, then its definitely worth it.

Perhaps you haven't considered the gravity of care that you need to place on the data, especially the personal ones that are recorded on the company's database. But if you see the repercussions, you will understand why it has to be protected at all cost. It doesn't matter what position you are holding. As long as you are working within the company you have the role to protect its interest and vice versa.

Be responsible with your tenure with the employer and do your share. There are bad entities waiting to take the shot. Don't ever give them the chance by being too complacent.

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