Thursday 12 February 2015

Important Factors To Think About Before Buying Insurance Agency Management Software

By Beryl Dalton

For insurance agents, one of the most crucial elements of any long-term success is the effectiveness of the various electronic systems used in the office. Given the data-intensive nature of their industry, today's agents find themselves relying more and more on computer programs designed to manage various data points. When searching for the best insurance agency management software, there are several key considerations that must be made.

The effective managing of client data is of primary concern with these programs. CRM programs need to be able to do more than simply compile data associated with the agent's many prospects and customers. The best offerings also provide features to help agents manage those customers effectively. That includes contact by email and phone, as well as the creation and distribution of policy details.

Leads are the lifeblood of these agencies. As a result, CRM should focus on competent tracking of contacts, proposals, and scheduled follow-ups. The program should also enable centralized data storage that can be accessed from a simple and secure online portal. That ensures that agents are able to access critical information even when their leads take them far from the office.

Reporting features are also tremendous time-savers, and enable agencies to better track their success in reaching various sales and client acquisition goals. Many of today's top programs help to track lead costs, provide details on sales conversion rates, and accurately record the ROI for any lead source.

Many agents are shocked to discover the many document management features offered by these programs. Many can electronically generate almost any document the agent needs to efficiently deal with prospects and clients alike. Things like Brochures, policy terms and rates, and proposals can be quickly created and transmitted to any customer, making it far easier to manage a lead than ever before.

Data is critically important, but its security can be even more of a concern. These agents receive and maintain personal and professional data records for all of their clients, and it is their responsibility to ensure that that information is protected from criminals and other curious eyes. The very best office software offerings use data encryption and other superior security features to protect critical information.

It is, of course, important to recognize that there are not many systems out there designed to handle all of the various policy types that any given agent might offer. Many times, these agencies have to rely upon secondary software to handle the supplementary policies they provide. As a general rule, if an agent has an employee wholly dedicated to managing a secondary type of insurance coverage, then he should also have separate software to assist in that process.

The obvious takeaway from all of this is that modern insurers can no longer rely upon outdated customer systems. There are simply too many details, data points, and privacy issues involved to entrust the process to anything but the best computer programs available on the market today. For agents seeking those programs, attention to these key considerations can make that selection process much easier.

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