Friday 21 August 2015

Adopting A Utility Billing Systems That Is Efficient

By Nancy Gardner

Utilities have basically the same aims which are to provide energy and water to their customers in a safe manner. In the process, such function revenue stream must be safeguarded and the customer satisfaction put first. Utility billing systems has increased customer satisfaction and also improved client management.

The objective of a effective billing system is to keep track of the usage of the products and services provided and also to collect customer data. The utilities all strive to deliver water and energy in a safe and efficient way while protecting service source of revenue, minimizing the expenses and making sure the customer is satisfied.

Manual meter reading has been used for a long time in most countries. However, there are cases especially in the rural areas where it may be very difficult to access the meter in order to read. This makes manual meter reading time consuming.

The calls made to the center are analyzed and those that can be avoided with automation identified. Utilities that have adopted a utility invoicing software have reported substantial decrease in customer complaints and increased customer satisfaction.

The automatic indicator reading systems will collect data efficiently and accurately because they eliminate the possibility of human error. This data is then used in the preparation of invoices and bills which are sent to the customers in time.

Automated billing software specifically tailored for the function is a move towards improving the overall operations. To determine the potential benefits of automated billing software there needs to be a deep understanding of the operating characteristics of the utility. The utility provider should identify aspects of automation that will benefit them.

They may also have to face owners of the homes who are hostile and prevent them from acquiring the data. There is also the danger of people who may pose as employees of such company illegally and gain entry into peoples homes to cause harm. Automatic meter reading minimizes these risks by minimizing the number of workers being sent to read meters.

Each time there is a decrease in customer satisfaction, there is an increase in complaints by the customers. If the service has not embraced automated indicator reading and thus provides estimated costs the customers complain even more because they distrust the readings. The service should determine the type of customer calls it could avoid by automating the system.

The utility will have to analyze the customers reason for calling from the call logs in the call centers. Automated meter readings have reduced the customer calls and led to an increase in customer satisfaction.

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