Sunday 28 October 2012

Functional Missing Child Apps Allow Clients To Help Children

By Sean Locke

One of the most terrible things that can occur is a disappearance of a kid. Sadly however; several kids vanish every day. The panic one feels when their kid disappears is an awful thing that no one should ever experience. Missing child apps is a measure implemented by the authorities to help find kids that have been reported lost. This measure will involve all the citizens in a community to look for the kids that have disappeared, and if spotted one can notify the authorities immediately.

There is an application that any parent or guardian should have which is a pre-saved profile on their kid which consists of a photograph and other particulars such as hair color, weight and eye color of the loved one. If a loved one vanishes, and a search of the immediate surroundings has failed, the guardian or parent can alert the authorities. They can provide up to date information of their loved one to the authorities and request assistance.

In turn, the authorities will immediately jump in and help with the search. It is a common fact that the first 24 hours of a search is the most critical time because after that, it becomes more and more difficult because the trail gets cold. Another application one can download to the mobile phone is called "Missing Children".

Another cellphone application that is available named "Missing Children". It is an application that has the particulars of all the kids that have disappeared in any given area nationally. The "near me" function is included where it will pinpoint the original location of young ones which were reported lost within the surrounding local area where the user is. This application enhances a measure implemented by government namely "Amber Alert".

"Amber Alert" was a measure that was implemented to notify people of a kid had vanished in their area. The media, television and radio, was the main tool of communication where a description would be provided and a number given to the people to call if the kid was spotted. This system was not precisely user friendly because the contact number could be forgotten.

If a kid has been spotted and matches the description in the profile, the individual can press the "hot button" and the call will be routed to the person in charge. Other applications are available too. If a kid has a cellphone, it could be programmed to link up the number to the parent's number and provide the GPS location of the lost one so that he or she can be found easily.

Each person should have at least one of the many applications that are available on their phones. As these are mostly government funded, they are available to the public for free. If every person in the nation helps to identify one of these youngsters, the work of the authorities will be much easier and more successful.

This method is much easier to use and much faster. One needs only to look at the profiles when in an area and if a person matching the description of the lost youngster is spotted, the authorities can be there in minutes. Missing Child Apps have become a valuable tool in the search for vanished young ones and every citizen should have at least one or other application on their phones so that in the event of a lost kid being spotted, the authorities can be notified in the shortest amount of time.

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