Tuesday 9 October 2012

Internet Marketing: A Profitable Home Business

By Henry Rives

If you want to run a successful business these days, you need a successful website. In order to do that, you have to use the power of the Internet to attract visitors and customers to your site. Internet marketing is the best way to get people to your site, and here are eight ways to make that happen.

One of the best ways to make your campaign seem more personal is to address customers directly in a letter. Many marketers do this to an extent by addressing direct mail to customers by name. However, it is even more effective to post a letter on your website's welcome page. When customers read a letter from the head of the company, they automatically feel special. If you put Facebook and Twitter buttons on the letter, your customers can easily share it with their social media contacts for even greater exposure.

Writing articles is a marketing strategy just a tiny bit more advanced than blogging. The content in question is virtually identical; the only difference is where you put it. Article marketing requires more social networking than blogging does. For your articles to really have an impact, you need to get them posted to popular, reputable sites. The key to doing this is usually cultivating a good relationship with the people in charge.

Choose the right products to promote during limited time offers. You can launch a new product at special pricing for a limited time, or you can sell one of your popular products at a special price. Put yourself in the mind of your customers and ask which would be more compelling for you. You might also do a mini-survey asking your customers which products they would love to see reduced in price. Your customers will be more than happy to weigh in with their opinions.

For consumers in rural or suburban areas, the idea of an independent, locally owned business is often enough to merit patronage. Including online marketing tools in your business approach doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice the friendly, personal touch or the small-town charm. You needn't focus exclusively on one or the other. Instead, look for a middle ground that will allow you to broaden your company's appeal. Make it easy for prospective customers to locate your business both online and in the community with an integrated marketing strategy.

You can put up ads on websites in order to generate more traffic your way. By investing a little money into ads on websites, you are going to make yourself look like you are an authority in your field, and you are going to get a good amount of exposure as well. See if you can find some sites to put ads on that won't charge you an insane amount of money to do so. This is your best shot at figuring out how to market to a lot of people on the internet.

Define your target audience: be as specific as possible. Find studies on the activities connected to your products and find out who your competitors are selling their products to. You should use Google AdWords and other similar tools to take a look at the demographics of users who looked up keywords related to your industry. Use as many different sources as possible and do not assume you already know everything about your target audience. Stay up to date with new trends: your products might become popular among a new niche if a new trend starts.

Write articles and spread them with business directories and article directories. If you write articles that can be shared with others and have a link to your site in the author section, you can get a lot of site visitors that can ultimately turn into buyers. Your articles can establish you as a resource or an expert on your chosen subject, and if your article is impressive people will visit your site. Your articles can also provide splendid SEO for you, as the links will attract the search engines to your site as well.

Get as many back-links as possible on related site. Find out which sites your audience visits regularly and get in touch with the webmasters of these sites. Exchange links or pay to have an ad or a banner on these sites. You can also get back-links by getting your content syndicated on other sites and blogs. Get in touch with magazine and newspaper editors, and ask if your articles can be featured online or in print. Post comments on news articles and message boards with a link to your site. Make sure you use strong keywords for the anchor text of your links and that you do more research about SEO to create a good marketing campaign.

Customers today are more savvy and choosy about what they want to read. Hard-sell marketing is almost always a turn-off now, because people are annoyed by advertisement blaring in front of them. They are more selective about what they read because there is so much content on the web. Use the methods described in this article to effectively market to your audience, and at the same time, respecting their space. You will gain more loyal customers this way.

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