Monday 29 October 2012

Step-by-Step Guide On Building Android Apps For Smartphone

By Preston Mathew

As you build an Android app, you will focus on a number of systematic issues, which will guide you from start for finish in the development process. Decision making will come early on in the process. The first issue you would have to address would be the purpose of the app you are developing. You will have the user in mind as you decide on the various issues that you would like the app to handle. You will also decide at this juncture if you are building a free app or you want to get paid for it.

Next comes the identification of the platforms that are available to you and then choose which one would suit your needs the most. Since each platform will require you to be a registered developer, ensure you have the necessary measure that pertains to that issue in check. You have to register for the Android platform then download it afterwards. Then you would need to get a coder. This used to be a major stumbling block for a lot of new developers, particularly those who work as freelancers. These days, however, developers no longer have to do any coding. There are already a lot of app creator coders available.

The next step will be the designing of the app, which will call for your creative mind to be in use.

This the point where your best effort will be expected from you. The more eye-catching your app's design is, the greater its success will be once it has been released to the market. There is a collaborative element between good coding and good design. They are separate from each other but both are aimed for one thing. Design the interface in such a way that it is very eye-catching but still very easy to understand or comprehend by ordinary people. The design should not overwhelm the other functions of the app, such as the scroll functions. Do not give up. Keep working on it until you come up with something that satisfying and useful.

Next, you'd have to test the apps and evaluate it closely. In a way, this is to make sure that the final output will actually work. You have to consider that wide variety of Android-based models of mobile phones and they work in various capacities. The testing of the app would serve to check that they will work on several models even if they have a lower capacity. Check on the transitions when changing the phone from portrait view to landscape, and if the app runs on internet connections test its signal performance on the various wireless signals.

There may be some changes you have to make. Do them and then when you are satisfied there are no more changes necessary, you may now lad the app onto your online Android platform. Then settle in for the wait for the app to be approved. You would also require good marketing abilities if you are intent on building apps. Hence, as you wait for the approval of the app, take that time to spread word about it and increase the potential market gap. Even if the app has already been approved, make sure that you listen to constructive criticisms so you can employ the needed changes.

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