Thursday 7 February 2013

Tips On How To Eliminate Your Cell Phone Bill

By Terrie Joyner

In today's world, you have plenty of options when it comes to saving money. You can try cutting out coupons out of a local newspaper, saving cash at the grocery market and at local retailers in the area which you live. You can also try signing up for various email newsletters that allow subscribers to gain access to special deals and money saving tips. If you'd like to save some cash on gasoline, you might want to sign up for a carpool or a ride sharing service at work. There are so many different ways that people can save money, you just need to use your imagination to find them. If you want to find information on how to eliminate your cell phone bill entirely, there are lots of ways to get started.

The first thing you need to think about is whether or not you need a cellular device in the first place. Although it can be very convenient to have a cellular device with you at all times, it can be very costly to do so. If you can get by without having it on you all the time, then perhaps you can get rid of it altogether.

People who absolutely need to talk to people via a phone connection should consider getting a land line connection. Since land lines are being used less and less, companies are willing to charge people a lot less for them. If you are looking to make a lot of expensive international calls, then perhaps getting a land line is for you. You will save a lot of money doing getting one installed.

You might also want to check out the different ways to video chat with friends and family. Since the internet is becoming more and more popular, most computers come with a web cam and a microphone already installed. This means that you can video chat without buying any extra accessories.

You can also use a computer to make calls without the video. Try to buy a microphone at your local tech retailer and ask them about the best one that you can get. You can download lots of different software applications that allow users to place phone calls from their own homes. People have even developed USB jacks that allow you to connect a regular phone to your computer to make calls.

You may also want to keep in touch with people via instant messaging or email. Instead of placing calls all the time, simply write to your friends and relatives. You'll find that people enjoy communicating via this way as well, and will find it to be a nice change of pace.

Try writing hand written letters as well. People rarely get anything in the mail these days, so when they find a letter from you they will be ecstatic. This can be a fun and interesting way to keep in touch with people you love.

Once you have an idea on how to eliminate your cell phone bill, you'll wonder why you ever needed a cellular device in the first place. Try writing letters, doing video chats, or writing people emails. There are lots of different ways to chat with your friends without paying a hefty amount.

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