Saturday 23 February 2013

Trends For Business Intelligence Leaning Towards Cloud And Mobile

By Jeff Sanders

The Biz Intel industry has been talked about amongst many circles in more recent times. With SAP leading the way amongst giants like Oracle, SAS and IBM, when it comes to the BI mobile market, the Business Intelligence niche has experienced vast improvements in a short amount of time. If you are thinking of dropping out of your OBIEE training courses and focusing on the newer S AP BI offerings, hit the pause button. Based on the numbers so far, Oracle is focusing on a strong campaign with their software for business intelligence.

Business Intelligence in a Cloud

With cloud serving being the supposed future of Information Technology, Oracle stands as the front-runner based on it's prowess there. Just recently, Oracle opened it's data center in Australia, due to the high bandwidth usage of it's customer-base there. Surveys done with the customer-base in Australia, shows a strong preference for cloud infrastructure. It really is a no-brainer, when you look at it, since this takes almost all the operational pressure off the in-house staff.

Analytics Set to Boom

Analytics and Business Intelligence go hand in hand. Metrics open up the full power of business intelligence. However, the concept is yet to become very popular, mainly because, people are still hesitant to depend on analytics for making their business decisions. Slowly but surely, companies are coming around to the idea, due to difference quality stat-tracking can have. Based on these results, analytics is expected to boom right along with Cloud serving for major companies.

Mobile BI

Mobile usage is quickly cutting into market share, with devices such as the iPad leading the way. So it's not surprising, that Business Intelligence for mobile is picking up the pace. Oracle has fallen behind SAP in this industry. SAP has created a solution for mobile far superior to Oracle's efforts thus far. However, Oracle and other major players are competing with SAP as Mobile BI will be extensively adopted and implemented in 2013.

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