Wednesday 26 June 2013

Learn How STOP ID Tracking Can Protect Your Equipment In A Portable World

By Erik Heidrick

If you check with your East Longmeadow MA privacy monitor supplier, you will see many effective security solutions for business. They have some of the best ways to keep your electronics equipment safe. To enhance and simplify security, consider using a new product called STOP ID tracking.

The STOP Identification system (Security Tracking of Office Property) provides tamper proof ID tags or plates that are easy to place on your portable equipment. Each year, business losses from equipment theft keep rising and a good identification system can cut losses by 90 percent on average. This is a great strategy for limiting operating expenses.

ID tracking tags are inexpensive to use and once installed, you are part of a worldwide network. If your equipment is lost or stolen it can easily be tracked anywhere on the planet. This makes thieves think twice before taking something that belongs to you and your business.

Lost equipment is a major problem with businesses these days. It is easy for employees or students to leave things in public places. Once someone has found the equipment they only need to call a toll free number that is accessible twenty four hours a day, and the equipment will be returned.

The STOP tracking system is good for other things too. You can use this system as part of your asset tracking. Bar codes can be scanned with the right equipment and software. This will greatly simplify your inventory and make it easier for you and your employees.

When you need to upgrade your security or company efficiency consider using a STOP ID tag system. This will keep expensive equipment safe without breaking your budget. Talk to your local East Longmeadow MA privacy monitor company to find out how easy and inexpensive it is to have one of these tracking systems for your business. It may cost much less than you think, and give you the peace of mind that you need.

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