Monday 17 June 2013

Services Offered By An ED Scribe

By Hassie J. Jewess

An ED scribe, or an emergency department scribe, is a highly educated medical scribe who works with physicians attending emergency room patients. When an emergency scribe is assigned to a doctor they are expected to fill out and complete all the paperwork for that physician's patients. It is not simple for emergency room doctors to appropriately attend to all of their patients since the ER is a very hectic place with people constantly coming and going. Even if a doctor wanted to take the time to speak at length with their patients and ensure that all of their treatments have been chosen properly, the reality of many hospitals is that there is not enough time for such high quality care.

Emergency scribe professionals allow doctors to save time on their rounds by caring for the grand majority of medical documentation that a doctor would normally have to do. While the doctor is speaking with their patients, checking blood pressure, and performing other procedures, the emergency doctor scribe documents everything that is going on so that it can be referenced later in the patient's medical history file. This is a very beneficial service to doctors who need to make very second count as they work their way through a long list of ER patients.

If every doctor in the emergency room of a hectic hospital were to have their own ER scribe to work with, think how much time would be saved. Hospital managers are aware that time is money and that doctors are really wasting their time with much of the simple medical paperwork that they fill out during each of their shifts. Allowing a doctor to focus on their primary objective, caring for patients, makes them more efficient and better able to offer the highest quality care to everyone in the ER.

Certain staffing committees in hospitals have chosen not to hire emergency doctor scribe workers because they fear going over budget because of it. Scribe ER employees are actually able to save a lot of time for doctors which in turn makes them more efficient as they attend to patients; this efficiency translates into less wasted time and money for the entire hospital.

The medical industry is full of job opportunities so many people who get jobs as an ER scribe eventually move on to excellent medical careers. The challenges of being an ER scribe also bring considerable rewards and get you ready for your future career goals.

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