Sunday 1 July 2012

Enjoy the New Races in Burning Crusade

By Roger Merceir

There are new races added in the Burning Crusade. Additionally, there are new spells and talents added to the new expansion of World of Warcraft. The Blizzard added seven or more new spells for the 60-70 level range to each class. The players can run out the lessons better with the new spells. The talent trees were also greatly expanded and revised. All the classes have got additional talents leading up to a 41 talent point ability.

The players have found ways to get to the cap. They loot the dead mobs. They complete the quests and get rewards. They even sell items to the vendor NPCs to get the coins. One of my friends likes to do business in the game. He gets the coins by trading or mail. If the players have some extra items they can sell the items in the auction house. Many of the gamers wondering in the auction house are the people who want to reach the Wow gold cap.

The Paladins can receive a long-awaited spell. The Righteous Defense and the shaman can receive the spell Bloodlust to complement their DPS and utility roles. A lot more information of the new spells and talents in the specific pages. Next, I will talk about the combat rating system in the burning crusade.

The Draenei is the other new race that introduced in the Burning Crusade. This is a faction of uncorrupted eredar join the Alliance. They are led by their prohet named Velen. The capital city is called the Exodar. The particular racial mount of the Draenei is the Elekk.

It stood there like an elephant. The language from the Dreanei is the same with the race name. They have their own features. They have the special abilities in the game play. The new expansion allows the faction-exclusive classes to be played on the opposing faction. The Horde of Blood Elf can play as paladins and the Alliance draenei can play since shaman.

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