Saturday 14 July 2012

SkyBuilder and App Builder Products

By Benny E. Lake

One of the most incredible times in world history is happening to us right before our very eyes. The information age has changed us forever, and the world is virtually at our fingertips. Pressing a couple of keys on the keyboard opens up our world right there for us to witness - much of it in real time.

But as amazing as the Internet is, there is still yet another technology that is appearing to upscale the Internet. Smart Phones are taking the world and compacting it into these little devices so we can access information where ever we go.

The smart phones allow us to view everything we could ever dream of and more. And the technology isn't going to slow down anytime soon. Who knows where we will end up in the coming years?

Mobile marketing is becoming quite a common household name. Mobile marketing is our future, replacing business cards and taking advertising to a new level.

Creating apps for smart phones used to be limited to programmers and technology savy teenagers. But this is no longer the case. Anybody can write apps without having to know how to write programs.

And it doesn't stop there. The technology has now opened up a whole new world, where even the apps can create new apps, using the right software!

Fill in the blanks and the new apps will create apps for you. Can you imagine? Now anyone can create gaming apps, business apps or just about anything you can dream up.

The whole world is adapting to these new technologies and transforming what used to be reserved only for computer guru's, the smartest of smart teenagers, and hobbyists.

SkyBuilder by Greg Jacobs is one such app that is taking the app market by storm. You see, most app creation software is written for either the Iphone or the Android operating systems. Well, SkyBuilder is written so that you can create apps for the Iphone AND the Android. You just make a selection while creating the app. This means you can create apps for both operating systems without having to learn or purchase new software!

The world in which we now live is amazing us everyday. The new advances in electrical engineering is staggering, and we all had better grab hold because if not, we will for sure get left behind!

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